Introductory First Aid Course


Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016

Time: 9 AM – 5 PM

Venue: Nepal Communitere

Title: Introductory First Aid Course

Organizer: Cycle City Network Nepal (CCNN) and Himalayan Medics

Theme: Wilderness First Aid Training

Event Summary: On a Saturday morning, over 15 members both old and new of CCNN amassed at Nepal Communitere, Pulchowk for a “One Day Introductory Wilderness First Aid Course”. The First-Aid Training was to be offered by certified rescuers from Himalayan Medics. Rajesh Lama, Executive Director, Himalayan Medics and Shyam Limbu, Himalayan Medics were the trainers for the day.

The day started early for the participants with casual discussions for about half an hour after gathering before formally commencing the day’s learning journey. A statutory directive that was ass     erted early on was that the one-day training wouldn’t qualify the participants as doctors or professional aiders. Since CCNN has been active in various cycling events relevant to both urban as well as wilderness settings, the training was designed to cater bicycle volunteers to treat patients of similar injuries or illnesses.

Mr. Lama began the training with the basics along with theoretical background on the subject that covered patient assessment and scenario roleplay of the accident site. Mr. Limbu subsequently took the latter half of the day explaining various real life scenarios, practical action and blunders usually seen at the accident sites. Discussion of professional code, systematic approach added value to the training.

By the end of the day, participants knew their way around dealing a scene of accident, patient assessment, injury treatment, immediate rescue and patient movement. The training was neatly catered to fill in a day’s interval with theory sessions, roleplays and discussion. Each participant received a certificate of completion of the training.


Words: Prabal Man Dhaubhadel, Media and Communications Coordinator, CCNN

Pictures: Khasing Rai.




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KU Environment Day Rally 2016



Date:  Saturday, June 4 2016

Time: 6:00 am to 1:30 pm

Venue: Tinkune

Title: Marking Environment Day

Organizer: Kathmandu University


Event Summary:

On the occasion of World Environment Day, another cycle rally was organized The event was scheduled at 6:45am for reporting riders, 7:00am to start ride and it was started according to schedule. 30km far from Kathmandu valley: Dhulikhel, around 70 participants were present. Firstly, Chakshu Bikram Malla, Executive Director, CCNN, introduced road rights and safety to cycle riders present for today’s ride. Then the rally soon commenced. Though new faces were presented on today’s ride we 5 volunteer from CCNN helped them in different term i.e.: gear shifting, seat height, road lane, etc.

After 2:30 hrs we reached to Kathmandu University. Though student themselves took management of rally there were certain problem (water spot management, backup vehicles). After rally there were many programmes scheduled for riders and visitors.

Words: Kunal Krishna Chaudhary

Let’s Talk About Bicycle




Date: Friday, June 10, 2016

Time: 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Venue: CCNN office

Title: Let’s Talk About Bicycle

Organizer: CCNN

Theme: To promote general bicycle discussion

Event Summary:  Scheduled for a Friday afternoon, the screening cum discussion event was delayed due to heavy showers. The event participants who were mostly bicycle commuters were held back due to the rain. After a long wait, the 3 pm event eventually took off at quarter past 4. We were a total of 20 participants who had gathered at the secretariat.

Prior to the movie screening, we watched innovative advertisements and marketing content related to the bicycles along with past works of CCNN on the video and media front. Then at around 4:30 pm we began the formal programme with the introduction. Since some of us were new, everybody shared a brief introduction and what the bicycle meant for them. After that around 5:10 we started watching the movie KLUNKERZ:A film About Mountain Bike History .The movie was about how the mountain biking started,what was the starting phase,who were behind bringing mountain biking forward; the one’s who gave birth to a whole new sport – mountain biking. It is an inspirational movie which shows how the people of those days figured out mountain biking the hard way using bikes without any suspension or front brake.After completing the movie Sailendra Dongol, Vice President, CCNN created a platform everybody got a chance to share their views,thoughts,ideas and the concept they got from the movie.

Words: Usha Khanal

Pictures: Khasing Rai

Pictures:Khasing Rai



movie audience



Date:  Sunday, June 5, 2016
Time: 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Venue:  Rastriya Sabha Ghriya, Kathmandu
Title:  #Maskmandu : Mask-must zone declaration
1. Aakar Nepal
2. National College
3. Power Shift Nepal
4. Tourism Development Endeavors (TUDE)
5. Golden Gate Int’l College
6. Centre for Integrated Urban Development (CIUD)
7. Clean Energy Nepal
8. Clean up Nepal
9. Cycle City Network Nepal (CCNN)
10. Kathmandu Cycle City 2020
11. Digo Bikash Institute
12. Jiwanta Nepal
13. Nepalese Youth for Climate Action (NYCA)
14. Resource for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC)
15. Rotaract Club of Kupandole
16. YUWA
17. Institute for Urban Development and Policy Research – IUDPR
18. We Inspire Nepal
19. Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NEFEJ)
20. Youth Thinkers Society (YTS)
21. Global Peace Young Leaders
Objective: Launch an inter-organizational ‘Campaign for Clean Air Rights’ on the occasion of World Envt. Day by declaring that Kathmandu has become a mask-must-zone.
Event Summary: 
More than 200 participants (campaigners, activist, cyclist and pedestrians) in front of Rastriya Sabhagriha, symbolically laid dead on the ground demanding urgent action to the government of Nepal. Campaign started off  with a flash mob and everybody joined them and laid dead to demand immediate action and ensure the constitutional right to live in a healthy and clean environment as stated in Article 30 in the Constitution of Nepal 2072.
Cycle City Network Nepal is part of the campaign that has 21 organizations in the team and is increasing. There was a higher participation of cyclist among others.  Cyclists are also the hardest hit victim of road air pollution, with heavy breathing while contributing the least to road dust. There was a very high coverage of the event in media, as it was of its a unique approach to a demonstration.

A petition was handed to the Ministry of Environment and Population during the official environment day cycle rally event of the government. The petition will be submitted to Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Health, Kathmandu Metropolitan City and all Municipalities in Kathmandu Valley, this week.

Campaigners demanded : 

  • Formulate ‘Comprehensive Clean Air Action Plan’ under urgent, mid-term and long-term strategy and legal measures such as ‘Clean Air Act’ to address this serious air pollution.
  • Take immediate action to install air pollution monitoring stations in key locations of Kathmandu valley
  • Devise stringent vehicle emission standard, enforcement of green sticker provision and take polluting vehicles off the road.
  • Upgrade the fuel standard including provisions of cleaner fuel, and mandatory provision to use emission control technologies especially in diesel vehicles.
  • Promote non-motorized transport system by building safer infrastructures for walking and cycling, and introduce environment-friendly, efficient and affordable mass transit to ensure sustainable urban mobility in Kathmandu Valley.
  • Follow proper environment management plan and take strict action against contractors for delayed road construction to address dust pollution from road construction activities.
  • Devise plans and take urgent action to reduce pollution industries especially from brick kilns and usage of diesel generators, and Ban open solid waste burning practices.
  • Pollution tax raised from petroleum has remained unspent. We ask the government to mobilize pollution tax immediately on air pollution mitigation activities and on implementing ‘Clean Air Action Plan’. We also request to invest the increased tax on fuel to be invested in mass public transport system, and make pollution industries and vehicles to pay their fair share for contributing to air pollution.

For online version of the petition :

Words: Dristy Shrestha

On the Media

eKantipur, Sagarmatha khabar, The Kathmandu Post, The Kathmandu Post, ZUMA Pictures of the day

Routine for Nepal banda,



























Pictures: Khasing Rai

Kora 16 Warm up Ride

Date: Saturday,2 July, 2016

Time: 7:00 AM –  5PM


Title:Pre-Kora Ladies Ride


Theme:Warm up ride for Kora 2016

Event Summary:

The event was scheduled at sharp 7am and the gathering time was 6:45 am.We waited till 7:30 am for more riders.Around 7:30 we took group pictures and we started our ride with a total of  13 riders.Among them 9 were girls and 4 were boys.Even though we named it girls ride,we took some male riders too to make our ride convenient and to make the trail familiar for them too.The ride was helpful  for all of us in knowing  how  the trail is that we are going for kora.Since most of the riders were just a beginners,the trail was totally new.The trail was around the Kathmandu valley which covered Lalitpur, Kirtipur and Kathmandu.Most of the trail was muddy and we found it a bit difficult.The main objective of this ride was to make the girl and beginner  riders come forward and make them able to ride together.While riding we remind them three golden rules of cycling-Drink before you are thirsty,Eat before you are hungry,and change the gear before you need.We all tried our best to follow those rules.Since the way was too muddy,some of our friends had an accident but not that serious.We stopped at some of the beautiful places to take some photos.Due to the rain we couldn’t complete our 50 km ride and we didn’t force the riders to rush too.Overall the riders enjoyed the ride n they all were happy to be a part of it and it shows that they can go for kora 16.

Words: Usha Khanal





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    Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal

    +977 9818639555