Let’s be part of the Bicycle Rally on June 4


Cycle City Network Nepal (CCNN), in collaboration with Tour De Lumbini, Creasion Nepal, Rotaract club of Yala, Panc Bike, is organizing a bicycle rally on June 4, on the occasion of World Bicycle Day June 3, and World Environment Day June 5. For the cause of the conservation movement “Save Soil”, CCNN invites all interested people to be a part of campaign day. The World Bicycle Day draws attention to the benefits of using the bicycle- simple, affordable, reliable, clean, and environmentally fit and sustainable means of transportation. The World Environment Day is celebrated with the 2022 campaign slogan “Only One Earth” focusing on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”. Sharing the common goal of environment protection and achieving sustainable development goals, both days are equally powerful advocacy tools to raise global awareness on environmental concerns.

Save Soil is a global movement launched by Indian Spiritual Leader Sadhguru, to address the soil crisis and bring together people from all over the world to stand up for soil health by increasing organic content in cultivable soil. The movement seeks to global consensus for urgent action to save soil from extinction. To activate and demonstrate citizen support for this movement, Cycle City Network Nepal came up with a campaign event to “save soil” through cycling.

The campaign event is happening on June 4, 2022.

Venue- Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Time- 7 am, and Distance- Approximately 10 km

Participants are requested to bring their own water bottle and bicycle. Refreshments are also provided for the day. For the lucky first 500 registered participants, free t-shirts are available as well. The rally route is

Save Soil Bicycle Rally Route

Download and sign in/sign up for Greenway Nepal App and join the event “Save Soil Bicycle Rally” and track your ride and carbon savings during the ride. Download the app at bit.ly/greenwayapp

Free registration here bit.ly/bicycle4soil

Let’s all cycle for “Save Soil” and the environment.

#worldbicycleday #worldenvironmentday #savesoil #bicycle4soil #bicycle4sdgs #greenway



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    +977 9818639555
